Wednesday, 22 April 2020 08:39



中文 翻譯
 校長室  Office of the President
 副校長室  Office of the Vice President
 秘書室  Secretary Office
  行政管理組  Administrative Management Section
  公共關係組  Public Relations Section
 人事室  Personnel Office
  第一組  The First Section
  第二組  The Second Section
 主計室  Accounting Office
  第一組  The First Section
  第二組  The Second Section
  第三組  The Third Section
 教務處  Office of Academic Affairs
  註冊組  Registration Division
  課程及教學組  Curriculum and Teaching Division
  出版及學術發展組  Publication and Academic Development Division
  綜合業務組  Admission Division
 學生事務處  Office of Student Affairs
  生活輔導組  Student Assistance Division
  課外活動指導組  Extra-Curricular Activities Division
  衛生教育組  Health Care Division
  服務學習組  Service Learning Division
  軍訓組  Military Education Division
 總務處  Office of General Affairs
  文書組  Documentation Division
  出納組  Cashier Division
  事務組  General Service Division
  營繕組  Construction and Maintenance Division
  保管組  Property Management Division
  駐衛警察隊  Campus Security
 研究發展處  Office of Research and Development
  產學企劃組  Industry-Academia Collaboration Division
  新創企劃組  New Enterprise and Project Division
  智財管理組  Intellectual Property Management Divisoin
  研究服務組  Research Services Division
  就業暨校友聯絡組  Career Development and Alumni Division
 圖書館  Library
  館務發展組  Planning and Development Division
  典閱組  Circulation and Reference Services Division
  採編組  Acquisition and Cataloging Division
  系統資訊組  System and Information Division
 國際事務處  Office of International Affairs
  國際教育行政組  International Education Division
  國際交流組  International Exchange and Collaboration Division
  國際學生組  International Students Division
 推廣教育中心  Continuing Education Center
  訓練組  Extension Section
  推廣組  Promotion Section
 資訊中心  Information Technology Services Center
  媒體與服務組  Multimedia and Service Section
  網路組  Networking Section
  系統組  Systems Section
 諮商輔導中心  Counseling Center
 語言中心  Language Center
  語言推廣組  Language Promotion Section
  語言檢定組  Language Assessment Section
  華語教學組  Chinese Learning Section
 藝術中心  Art Center
  典藏組  Collection Section
  展演組  Exhibition Section
 環境安全科技中心  Environmental and Safety Technology Center
  安全衛生組  Safety and Health Section
  環境保護組  Environmental Protection Section
 教學卓越中心  Teaching Excellence Center
  規劃研究組  Planning and Research Section
  學習促進組  Learning Advancement Section
  教師發展組  Teacher Development Section
 校務發展中心  Institutional Research and Planning Center
  校務機構研究組  Institutional Research Section
  校務企劃組  Institutional Planning Section
 體育室  Physical Education Office
  場地營運組  Stadium and Facilities Management Section
  活動管理組  Activity Management section
 精密儀器中心  Center for Advanced Processing and Analysis
 工業污染防治研究中心  Center for Industrial Pollution Prevention Research
 水土資源及防災科技研究中心  Research Center for Soil & Water Resources and Natural Disaster Prevention
 營建技術服務暨材料檢測中心  Center for Construction Materials and Technology
 環境事故應變諮詢中心  Center for Emergency Response Information
 商業自動化中心  Center for Commercial Automation
 設計研究中心  Center for Design Research
 區域產學合作中心  Center for Regional Industry-Academia Collaboration
 經營與管理研究中心  Center for Business and Management Research
 設計創新技術研發中心  Center for Design-led Innovation
 電力電子與永續能源技術研發中心  Center for Power Electronics and Sustainable Energy
 產業機械關鍵技術研發中心  Center for Manufactory Machinery Essential Technology and Development
 客家研究中心  Center for Hakka Studies
 自造者中心(創意工場)  Idea Factory.(IDF)
 產學與智財育成營運中心  Incubation Center for Academia-Industry Collaboration and Intellectual Property
 中區教學資源中心  Center for Central Taiwan Teaching/Learning Resource
 智動化及監控研究中心  Center for Intelligent,Automatic, & Surveillance Research
 工程學院  College of Engineering
 管理學院  College of Management
 設計學院  College of Design
 人文與科學學院  College of Humanities and Applied Sciences
 通識教育中心  General Education Center
 師資培育中心  Teacher Education Center
 新聞發布中心  Press Center
 防火工程暨檢測中心  Center for Fire Potection and Testing
 自由軟體研究中心  Center for Open Source Software
 文獻數位典藏中心  Center for Digital Documentary Presevation
 社區數位發展研究中心  Center for Community Empowerment and Digital Development Research
 城鄉發展暨環境規劃中心  Center for Urban Development and Environmental Planning
 原形創意中心  Center for Original Creative
 數位媒體設計教學資源中心  Center for Digital Media Design Educational
 創意整合設計中心  Center for Creative and Integrative Design
 專利侵害鑑定中心  Center for Patent Infringement Verification
 國際商務談判中心  Center for International Business Negotiation
 涉外法律中心  Center for International Legal Service
 永續發展與綠色科技研究中心  Center for Sustainable Development and Green Technology Research
 台灣自旋科技研究中心  Taiwan SPIN Research Center
 台灣文化資產修復與研究中心  Center for Taiwan Heritage Research
 製程安全與產業防災中心  Center for Process Safety and Industrial Disaster Prevention
 智慧電子產品研究與開發中心  R&D Center for Intelligent Electronic Products
 潔綠永續創新實踐中心籌備處  Preparatory Office of Center for Green Sustainability and Innovation
 工程科技研究所  Graduate School of Engineering Science and Technology
 機械工程系  Department of Mechanical Engineering
 電機工程系  Department of Electrical Engineering
 電子工程系  Department of Electronic Engineering
 資訊工程系  Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering
 環境與安全衛生工程系  Department of Safety, Health and Environmental Engineering
 化學工程與材料工程系  Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering
 營建工程系  Department of Civil and Construction Engineering
 工業工程與管理系  Department of Industrial Engineering and Management
 企業管理系  Department of Business Administration
 資訊管理系  Department of Information Management
 財務金融系  Department of Finance
 會計系  Department of Accounting
 國際管理學士學位學程  Bachelor Program in International Management
 高階管理碩士學位學程  Executive Master Program in Business Administration
 工商管理學士學位學程  Bachelor Program in Business and Management
 產業經營專業博士學位學程  Doctoral Program in Industry Management
 設計學研究所  Graduate School of Design
 工業設計系  Department of Industrial Design
 視覺傳達設計系  Department of Visual Communication Design
 建築與室內設計系  Department of Architecture and Interior Design
 數位媒體設計系  Department of Digital Media Design
 創意生活設計系  Department of Creative Design
 技術及職業教育研究所  Graduate School of Technological and Vocational Education
 漢學應用研究所  Graduate School of Applied Chinese Studies
 休閒運動研究所  Graduate School of Leisure and Exercise Studies
 科技法律研究所  Graduate School of Science and Technology Law
 材料科技研究所  Graduate School of Materials Science
 文化資產維護系  Department of Cultural Heritage Conservation
 應用外語系  Department of Applied Foreign Languages
 創業管理碩士學位學程  MBA Program in Entrepreneurship Management
 前瞻學士學位學程  Bachelor Program in Interdisciplinary Studies
 商管專業學院  Graduate School of Advanced Master of Business Administration
 校長  President
 副校長  Vice President
 主任秘書  Chief Secretary
 教務長  Dean of Academic Affairs
 副教務長  Associate Dean of Academic Affairs
 學務長  Dean of Student Affairs
 副學務長  Associate Dean of Student Affairs
 總務長  Dean of General Affairs
 副總務長  Associate Dean of General Affairs
 研發長  Dean of R&D
 副研發長  Associate Dean of R&D
 國際長  Dean of International Affairs
 圖書館館長  Dean of Library
 主任(人事室、體育室)  Executive Director
 人事管理員  Personnel Officer
 主計室主任  Comptroller
 學院院長  Dean of College
 副院長  Associate Dean
 所長  Chairperson of Graduate School
 副所長  Vice Chairperson of Graduate School
 系主任   Chairperson of Department
 副系主任  Vice Chair
 學位學程主任  Chairperson of 學位 Program(學位視Bachelor或Master有不同用法)
 中心主任  Chief Director
 副中心主任  Vice Director
 教授  Professor
 副教授  Associate Professor
 助理教授  Assistant Professor
 講師  Lecturer
 名譽教授  Professor Emeritus
 特聘教授  Distinguished Professor
 講座教授  Chair Professor
 助教(教學)  Teaching Assistant
 助教(行政)   Teaching Assistant for Administration
 軍訓教官  Military Training Instructor
 簡任秘書  Senior Secretary
 秘書  Secretary
 專門委員  Senior Executive Officer
 編審  Executive Officer
 專員  Executive Officer
 組長(處、館)  Director
 組長(室、中心)  Chief
 組員  Officer
 辦事員  Clerk
 書記  Assistant Clerk
 技正(簡任)  Senior Engineer
 技正(薦任)  Engineer
 技士  Technician
 技佐  Assistant Technician
 輔導員  Counselor
 護理師  Nurse
 護理教師  Nursing Teacher
 程式設計師  System Designer
 駐警小隊長  Supervisor
 駐警隊員  Safety Guard
 工友  Maintenance Worker
 技工  Technical Worker
 駕駛  Driver
 約聘人員  Contract-Based Staff
 約僱人員  Contract-Based Staff
 專案教授  Contract-based Professor
 專案副教授  Contract-based Associate Professor
 專案助理教授  Contract-based Assistant Professor
 專案講師  Contract-based Lecturer
 專案研究員  Contract-based Researcher
 專案副研究員  Contract-based Associate Researcher
 專案助理研究員  Contract-based Assistant Researcher
 行政助理  Administrative Assistant
 專案助理  Contract-Based Assistant
 行政組員  Administrative Officer
 行政專員  Administrative Senior Officer
 專案高級系統分析師  Contract-Based Senior Analyst
 專案高級系統管理師  Contract-Based Senior System Administrator
 專案系統分析師  Contract-Based System Analyst
 專案系統設計師  Contract-Based System Designer
 專案系統管理師  Contract-Based System Administrator
 專案系統工程師  Contract-Based System Engineer
 專案副設計師  Contract-Based Associate Designer
 專案副管理師  Contract-Based Associate Administrator
 專案副工程師  Contract-Based Associate Engineer
 專案助理設計師  Contract-Based Assistant Designer
 專案助理管理師  Contract-Based Assistant Administrator
 專案助理工程師  Contract-Based Assistant Engineer
 資訊助理  MIS Assistant
 約用稽核專員  Contract-Based Auditor
 兼任教師  Adjunct Teacher
 講(客)座教授  Visiting Professor
 博士後研究員  Post-Doctoral Research Fellow


    最後更新 ( 2019/05/28, 週二 )

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